Message from the Principal

Dear parents and students,


Welcome back to the Raimondi family! I trust you had a wonderful summer holiday and are looking forward to starting the new school year. For those of you joining for the first time, I feel truly delighted that you have become part of our vibrant learning community!


You might have noticed that your back-to-school experience this year is exceptional compared to the previous ones. On your first day back, I can imagine you might be pleasantly amazed by the new look that will greet your eyes as you enter the school gate. On the left, you can now marvel at the school’s retaining wall and staircase at the entrance, which has been brightened up with such colourful and lively paintings. “Who painted this?” you might ask.


Well, let me share what has happened with you. The artistic ideas you can admire now did not come from any outsider but from the creative minds of students and parents like yourselves. They were the result of your submissions in a competition organised by our teachers. That’s right! This beautiful artwork that now adorns our entrance truly belongs to us here at Raimondi – students, parents, and teachers have all contributed to bringing this to life!


Talking about life, our Saviour Jesus Christ said, “I am the way and the truth and the life”. (John 14:6). This is precisely the theme engraved at the centre of our renewed staircase. This is because the teachings of Jesus form the very heart of Raimondi. With each step, regardless of whether we are preoccupied with our studies or work, we can reflect on the meaning of his teachings that are dear to our hearts – to follow God’s way, seek His truth and wisdom, and lead a life that glorifies God and benefits people with our love.


Indeed, love, unity and perseverance are among the core values that our school upholds. They complement the school’s major concerns, which include showing love to people in need and nurturing students with a positive attitude towards life. The Bible teaches us to love one another, enlightening us that “We love because he first loved us.” (1 John 4:19).  By sharing God’s love with people, we would be walking on the path of wisdom, deepening our understanding as well as broadening our knowledge that we seek at school. This would enable us to be open to the fullest meaning of Jesus Christ’s teachings, as the Bible says, “The beginning of wisdom is fear of the LORD, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.” (Proverbs 9:10).


As we embark on a new school year, your pursuit of knowledge and wisdom will be further facilitated by the new interactive electronic whiteboards that the School has installed in each classroom. They will make learning more dynamic and interactive and make e-learning more accessible. The School aims to help you fully realise your potential and further your studies inside and outside School through self-directed learning. Try using the modern interactive electronic whiteboards to unleash your creativity, launch new projects on your own accord, and whatever may interest your inquisitive mind. Just remember to ask your teacher for permission first!


Doesn’t this all sound like a fantastic start to your new school year? I certainly can’t wait! Feel free to take selfies or videos of yourself, or with parents and students together, in front of the colourful retaining wall or staircase. Feel free to share these happy memories on social media platforms with others and let them experience the joy of your school life at Raimondi!


Before signing off, I would also like to update you on the good news for our recent Primary Six graduates. 77 of our graduates were allocated to Raimondi College, our feeder school; over 85% of our students were admitted to Band 1 EMI schools; 92% were allocated to schools of their first choice. I would like to thank all our teachers, especially those in P.5 and P.6, for teaching our students well.


Young Raimondians, embrace the challenges, persevere through setbacks, soar high and reach for the stars. You can do it!


May the Lord be with you always!

Ms. Lam Ngan Yin

Principal of RCPS