
Sailing Boat Catering Group Limited

Flat D, 10/F, Block 2, Tai Ping Industrial Centre, 55 Ting Kok Road, Tai Po, New Territories

電話: 24709033 

傳真: 24709035

2022 – 2023 Lunch Arrangements

1. Lunch time: 12:20p.m. – 1:20p.m.

2. Students who bring their own lunch:

a. Parents should prepare a thermal lunch container (non-breakable materials) for students. The lunch container should be placed in a lunch bag with the student’s name and class. Students should also bring a tablemat and utensils to school every day.

b. All of the used utensils and tablemat should be cleaned at home.

c. To promote healthy eating habits, students should not bring high-fat or deep-fried food purchased from fast food restaurants.

d. The school recommends that lunches should be simple and convenient. To avoid food poisoning and accidents, do not bring foods that need to be refrigerated (such as sushi), hot soups, congee, cup noodles or drinks in cups.

3. Parents who deliver lunch to school:

a. Parents should prepare a thermal lunch container (non-breakable materials) for students. The lunch container should be placed in a lunch bag with the student’s name and class, which should be delivered to the school before 12:00 noon. Please place the lunch bag on the trolley provided.

b. Students will receive their lunch bags at lunch time. Students have to bring their own tablemat and utensils for lunch.

c. Students must bring their lunch bags and utensils home for cleaning every day. Parents should not wait outside the school to collect the lunch bags.

d. To promote healthy eating habits, parents shouldn’t provide high-fat or deep-fried food purchased from fast food restaurants.

e. The school recommends that parents should prepare lunch for students in accordance with the ‘Nutritional Guidelines on Lunch for Students’ published by the Department of Health.

4. Students who order lunch from “Sailing Boat Luncheon Production Limited” (Lunch Supplier):

a. The lunch will be held in the LG/F canteen in the form of on-site meal portioning. However, if the operation mode needs to be changed due to the coronavirus pandemic or other reasons, a separate notice will be made.

b. Students will eat at school. They could bring along their own drinks.

c. The cost of the lunch is $33 per set. Only cash payment in convenience stores (e.g. 7-Eleven, Circle K, etc.) or electronic payment by PPS are accepted.

d. At the beginning of each month, parents will receive a personalized menu. Please return the receipt or provide the PPS transaction number together with the completed meal order form on the right side by the designated date. Please contact the lunch supplier at 2470 9015 to apply for a replacement menu in case of loss.

e. Failure to return the menu by the specified date will be regarded as an automatic abandonment of the order without any replenishment.

f. Students must order meals for the whole month, no bulk purchase or spot order service is available.

g. For absence of students, parents have to contact the lunch supplier at 2470 9015 before 10:00 a.m. Once connected, please press (1-1) to leave a voice message with the school name, class, student’s full name, phone number and the date of absence (late application could not be accepted). The refund amount will be shown and deducted in the meal order form of the second following month. (e.g. the refund amount of September will be deducted in the meal order form of November.)

h. For other details, please refer to the attachment “Sailing Boat Luncheon Production Limited- Lunch Arrangements”.

2022 – 2023年度學生午膳安排注意事項

1. 午膳時間:下午12時20分至下午1時20分

2. 學生自備午膳

a. 請家長為子女準備安全實用的保溫飯壺(不易碎材料)。請以食物袋盛載飯壺、餐具及檯墊,食物袋上標明學生姓名和班別。

b. 飯壺及餐具須由學生每天帶回家徹底清洗。

c. 為確保學生飲食健康,請勿購買快餐店的高脂肪或油炸食物。

d. 自備午膳要以簡單、方便為主,不要帶備須冷藏的食物(如壽司)、熱湯類、粥類、杯麵或杯裝飲品回校,以免食物變壞或產生意外。

3. 家長送午膳到校

a. 請以食物袋盛載飯壺(不易碎材料)、餐具及檯墊,袋上需標明學生姓名和班別。由家長於中午12:00前送遞學校,並放置在餐車上。

b. 由校方委派的校工會將午膳送到午膳室。學生將於午膳時領取食物袋在午膳室進食。

c. 午膳後之飯壺及餐具由學生每天帶回家徹底清洗,送午膳之家長請勿在校門外等候。

d. 為確保安全及健康,請家長不要準備熱湯或杯裝熱飲,亦不要為學生準備冷飲(如汽水)。

e. 為確保學生飲食健康,請勿購買快餐店的高脂肪或油炸食物。建議參照衞生署出版的「學生午膳營養指引」,為學生預備午膳。

4. 訂購「帆船美膳制作有限公司」午膳

a. 午膳會於LG/F飯堂以現場分份形式進行,惟因疫情或其他原因需改變運作模式,將另作通知。

b. 學生將於校內進食午膳,可自備飲品。

c. 每份午餐售價為港幣三十三元正,只接受便利店現金繳費(如7-Eleven、Circle K等)或以繳費靈電子繳費。

d. 每月初家長將收到一份印有學生資料的餐單,於指定日期前填上繳費靈交易編號或將繳費收據連同餐單右邊的訂餐表一併交回班主任,如遺失餐單請致電 24709015 申請補發。

e. 未能於指定日期內交回,將視為自動放棄訂購,不設任何補購。

f. 必須全月訂購,不設散購或即場訂購服務。

g. 如學生因事或病請假,請家長於當日早上十時前致電24709015接通後按(1-1)留言記錄學校、班別、學生姓名、電話及請假日期(逾時恕未能辦理),有關餐費會於隔月的訂購表內顯示及扣減。(例子:9月份退餐費將會在11月訂餐表中扣減)

h. 其他詳情可參閱附件「帆船美膳制作有限公司_午膳服務事宜簡介信」。
