
  1. 鼓勵和加強香港警方與青少年之間的溝通和認識;
  2. 促進青少年與警方合力撲滅罪行;
  3. 發展青少年對社會的責任感及灌輸正確的價值觀;
  4. 提供多元化的活動及訓練,培養領導才能,裝備他們成為未來領袖;


  1. To encourage and improve communication and mutual understanding between the Police and the youths of Hong Kong.
  2. To foster Police-youth partnership in the fight against crime.
  3. To develop young people’s sense of responsibilities towards the society and to instill positive values in them.
  4. To provide a wide range of activities and training for young people in order to equip them as future leaders and develop their potential leadership.


  • 鼓勵少年警訊會員與社會及其他組織並肩攜手撲滅罪行。培訓少年警訊會員具備條件成為社會未來領袖,引導少年警訊會員互相激勵打擊青少年罪行。


  • To develop our members to work in partnership with the community and other agencies to fight against crime. We are committed to train our members and to equip them with necessary abilities as future leaders in serving our community.


  • 會員(9-25歲)


  • Age from 9 to 25


  • 四至六年級學生約80人

School member:

  • Around 80 students from P.4-P.6

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